Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Memory Experiment

I have given my test subect, I will call her A, four pieces of paper with a short description of the three real memories and the fourth fake memory. The three real memories are: going to the One Act festival for Drama Club Sophomore year, coming to my house for a party, and coming to my house just to hang out. The fake memory is being at her friend's house and making chocolate cheesecake with me and a third friend.

When I gave her the papers, I told her to write as much about each memory as she can. She asked me what to do if she already knew which memory was fake, so I told her to just make stuff up.

When she gives them back to me, I want her to tell me which memory she thinks is false, although I have a feeling she already knows which one it is, even though I tried to make it convincing.

We'll see.

4-2-09: Angela has finished writing out three of her memories, and has figured out that the Cheesecake memory is false.