Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ethics in Memory Erasing Drugs

Using a drug, or any unnatural method, to erase the memory of a human being is unethical, and potentially dangerous.,8599,1671492,00.html

It sounds nice to have some horrible memory erased, especially if it is inhibiting to your everyday life. When something happens that sends adrenaline through your body, it's a hard thing to forget. Doctors use a drug that stops the stress hormones from working, and makes the memory easier to forget. It also prevents you from making stronger memories in the future. It esentially disconnects emotion from memory, because the more emotion you connect to a certain memory, the more that memory stays.

Some people believe that erasing memories can disconnect people from their true selves. And it makes sense. Our emotions make us what we are. If we are being unemotional, we aren't being ourselves. We're remembering these things for a reason, no matter how horrible they are. We remember them so that we can learn, adapt, and survive. If something bad happens to us, remembering helps us if the situation ever arises again. We can spot the warning signs, and avoid the bad situation. It also keeps us from doing dangerous things over and over again.

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